Daily Archives: August 17, 2013

Political Prisoner Akbar Amini Still Not Permitted To Contact Family 73 Days After Arrest

Albar Amini

Writers Association member, Akbar Amini, was re-arrested June 7, 2013 in a raid of his home. 73 days since his last arrest, Amini has not yet been permitted to contact or have visits with his family and friends.

A source close to Amini’s family has told HRANA that, “Despite more than two months since his illegal arrest, Amini has not had any contact with family or friends, and has been illegally denied the basic rights of prisoners.

His family and friends have no information on his status. All we know is that he is being kept in solitary confinement in Ward 209.

He has recently received notice from the court that his five years imprisonment sentence has been upheld by the Court of Appeals, and that his one year suspended sentence will also now be enforced. Therefore he must now report to Evin for the enforcement of his six year sentence. Apparently, the Judiciary does not know that Akbar is already incarcerated at Ward 209 of Evin prison.”

On February 14 2011, after the now detained Green leaders had called for a mass protest, Amini climbed atop a crane in Tehran holding Green Movement symbols. He was arrested after a few hours and taken to Evin prison. He was later tried and sentenced to one year imprisonment, and was released after completion of that one year term. After that release, he was arrested and summoned several times prior to his latest arrest.

Source: HRANA