Deteriorating Health And Grave Condition Of Hossein Ronaghi Maleki And His Mother Both On Hunger Strike

Prisoner of conscience Hossein Ronaghi Maleki who has been on a hunger strike since August 9th was taken to the emergency room at Shahid Modares hospital on Wednesday August 28 in dire condition. His father says Hossein would not accept breaking his hunger strike or the administering of an IV.

Ahmad Ronaghi, extremely concerned about his son’s situation, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, “On Wednesday they took Hossein to the hospital due to stomach bleeding. They wanted to administer an IV but Hossein refused and said, “I will not break my hunger strike until I am granted medical furlough. I am losing my kidneys and you brought me here to break my hunger strike by administering an IV.”

Unfortunately, they took him to the hospital not to treat his kidneys, but because his condition had deteriorated. Hossein was in the hospital until early evening when they took him back to prison. We have no information on his condition since Wednesday, and unfortunately we are not permitted phone calls to the prison,”

Ahmad Ronaghi, responding to a question as to what answers he has received from the officials on granting Hossein medical furlough said, “During this entire time, I have only been able to see Mr. Khodabakhsh, the Deputy District Attorney. One time he says that IRGC does not permit medical furlough, another time he says that the person responsible for Hossein’s case does not permit furlough, and yet, sometimes he says he himself is not approving a furlough.

The last time I saw him, I told him I will kiss your hands, I will kiss your feet, I am losing my son. Don’t let that happen. But unfortunately, he will not give a straight answer and is misusing his power.”

Hossein Ronaghi’s father stressing that he just wrote another letter to Tehran’s District Attorney, Jafar Dowlatabadi, said, “So far, I have written letters to the District Attorney, to the Chief Judiciary, even to the Leader and Hassan Rouhani asking them for help in securing medical furlough for my son. I don’t know who else is responsible, no one has given me an answer. I don’t know where else to turn to and who else to tell of my pains. I have now been in Tehran for 35 days following up on my son’s case, to no avail, and finally my son was taken to hospital in dire health (and returned back to prison).”

Ahmad Ronaghi, speaking about his wife’s condition who is also on hunger strike in their home in Tabriz, said, “She is not doing well and is bed ridden. I don’t know what to do.”

Hossein Ronaghi was arrested on December 13, 2009, during the aftermath unrest that followed the disputed presidential election of 2009. His arrest and sentencing to 15 years imprisonment, were on charges of: Spreading Propaganda Against the Establishment, Insulting The Leader and the Head of the Government , and membership in the internet group (Iran Proxy),

He suffered severe kidney damage during interrogations, and has undergone surgery several times. Hossein launched a hunger strike on August 28 protesting the officials disregard for his health condition and failure to transfer him to a hospital for proper treatment.

Source: Kaleme

PS: Hossein Ronaghi was sentenced to an additional 2 1/2 years imprisonment for involvement in the Sarand camp earthquake volunteer workers’ case. While on medical furlough, Hossein had gone to Sarand to help with the relief efforts after a major earthquake hit Azarbaijan. Hossein, along with a number of other political prisoners who were also out on furlough, were ordered back to prison prior to the last presidential election

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