Reformist Former MP Hossein Loghmanian And Four Companions Arrested On Their Way To Tehran From Hamedan

Hossein Loghmanian who represented the people of Hamedan in the 6th Parliament was arrested today along with his four Reformist companions.

Former Parliament member and the head of the Participation Front in Hamedan, along with four Reformist activists, were on their way from Hamedan to Tehran this morning to visit former president Khatami when they were arrested. They are currently being held at the Intelligence Ministry’s center in Hamedan.

Arrested along with Loghmanian were; Mohamad Reza Afkhami, Hadi Ehtezazi, Mrs. Rahimi and Amin Faridian, all Reformist activists in Hamedan.

Hossein Loghmanian was the head of Mehdi Karoubi’s 2009 presidential campaign in Hamedan. He was arrested back in 2002 after giving a speech in the Parliament condemning the arrest of National-Religious party members.

At the time, the Judiciary sentenced Loghmanian to 13 months imprisonment. This met with the objections of Parliament members, many political and civil activists, the then-president Khatami’s administration and the then-Parliament Speaker Mehdi Karoubi. This resulted in the Judiciary releasing Loghmanian after 20 days imprisonment.

In a speech in Parliament, the then-Speaker, Mehdi Karoubi, said he will resign if Loghmanian was not released. Karoubi left the Parliament after his speech and said he will not return until Loghmanian is released from prison and unless the Parliament members are not given the protection allowed by Law.

Loghmanian was released hours after Mehdi Karoubi’s Parliament speech.

Just as many of the recent arrests, there is no legal or any other reason for Loghamanian and his companions’ sudden arrest. Their status and the reason for their arrest are currently unknown.

Source: Kalemeh

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